Dependability is sexy! #MondayBlogs


You know, as women we are often under a HUGE pile of societal pressure to be any number of things: skinny, pleasing, non-threatening, wearing make-up, patient, kind, acquiescent. To me, the bottom line is that we are under this mountain of pressure to really be SEXY. Not some sort of reasonable standard for sexy, mind you. Crazy sexy. Media-hyped, airbrushed, unattainable sexy.

We are supposed to be ladies “in the street” and a “freak in the bed.”

It’s ridiculous.

I read a blog post this morning (you can read it here – in which a writer was taken to task for her “tone.” Heaven FORBID (yes, I AM yelling, thank you for noticing my caps lock) we should be anything less than pleasing at all times. Opinionated? Unafraid? Ooooooh, scary!

You know, that makes us b*tches or ballbusters. Those same qualities (generally speaking) are what gets men labeled as…

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